Citation Building & Rankings

Citation Building & Rankings

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If your business is local, citation building can be extremely helpful to increase your online presence.

What are Citations

A local citation is any online mention of the name, address, and phone number for a local business (NAP). They are used by search engines to weigh both the accuracy and popularity of businesses in their indexes. An example of a citation would be Yelp, White Pages or your local Chamber of Commerce..

How Citations Affect Rankings

Local search ranking is a major factor for local businesses, therefore we must consider the correlation between business citation building & rankings. Citations help improve your business’ local search engine results pages (SERP) when you create relevant and consistent NAP across the web. The more consistent, relevant and localized your citation is, the more likely your business will be ranking in the local pack.

Citations are another source of credible backlinks that both Google & Bing consider when your business NAP is consistent across the web. In conclusion, the more citations you have, the higher you will rank locally. Higher rankings mean more web traffic, which in turn equals more business.

In conclusion business citations impact in a great manner local rankings, visibility & your overall online performance. What is important is to build consistent and credible citations over time.. If you have any questions or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Web Creative Designs.